Wednesday, January 29, 2020

North Richmond Street Essay Example for Free

North Richmond Street Essay The combination of emotions of loneliness, love, and the human condition of isolation will be the bridge by which the works, Araby by Joyce, Digging by Heaney, and The Stronger by Strindberg will be examined. Joyce’s story sets the reader up for a fantastical journey taking place at North Richmond Street. In Joyce’s personal style that mixes despondency and blindness. The story is set up to be themed after isolation, and the reader gets a sense of being ostracized. Joyce creates the scene by allowing the setting to have its own characterizations: such as the street being a blind street, the house being at the ‘blind end’. Even the two houses which Joyce disturbing includes in his personification seem conscious of their surroundings, so that the reader becomes fully aware of how eerily set is the landscape. Mangan’s sister is the obsession by which the narrator defines his daily routine. The description of this obsession allows the reader to forgo the likening to a sweetheart and delve into the less traveled trenches of a young boy’s heart and strike straight to love. The story however remains brilliant in its fantastical descriptions of the town, with violet skies, and the impatience of some of the characters. The ostracized nature of the story then becomes one of unrequited love which in its way begets loneliness, which is what troubles, and excites, the narrator, as Joyce writes, â€Å"†¦yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood. Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance. † It is in this power of speech which the narrator becomes entrapped. His lack of gumption defines his loneliness and yet he remains constant through his passion for her. Then, the conversation of going to Araby lights up the narrator’s life. It seems that the best and well thought out theme of the story is that of awe: awe of the girl he loves, and then awe of Araby, as Joyce writes, â€Å"I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service. † However, this awe is short lived, and Joyce transports the reader back into that initial state of despondency and weariness of the human heart, as he writes, â€Å"Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger† and it is with this anger caused by lost determination, and love, that pervades the essence of the story. Along a similar vein, Seamus Heaney suggests in his poem Digging a slightly more cerebrally active loneliness. The danger in this poem becomes apparent in the first stanza in which the narrator suggests how the â€Å"pen rests; as snug as a gun†, which permits the reader to imagine a theme in the poem equivalent to Joyce’s isolation in Araby. The second stanza reveals an even more macabre scene in which the father of the poem is digging a grave: although the grave at this point may not be a literal grave but perhaps a grave built from years of a job digging potatoes, the essence of a son witnessing a father dig his own grave as it were suggests, not empathy for the parent but rather a gloomy sense of expectancy from the son. This expectancy allows the speaker to put the idea forth to the reader that acceptance of death can be met with anger and cynicism. This cynicism is highlighted by Heaney when he writes, â€Å"By God, the old man could handle a spade† and furthermore, â€Å"Just like his old man. † which tells the reader the speaker is seeing his own future played out from previous generations. Although hesitancy and awe are a bit twisted in this work of literature, the elements from Araby still remain the same; that of a mounting disparagement, in not gaining the things the speaker’s want and the feeling that they’ve met their limit and they fell short. In other words, both works created a world in which the main character in control of their fate was the lack of something: hope. There is no hope in either work; its essence is bashed away, especially in Heaney’s lines, â€Å"But I`ve no spade to follow men like them†. In the end of both stories, the theme of cynicism becomes apparent. The Stronger by August Strindberg is a play in which identity is the focus, and the human emotions which allow the characters to learn, advance, or perhaps share their life story, is trickled through to the reader through irony, and poor circumstances. The play begins with Frau X complaining about the other being alone on Christmas. Here the reader again is witness to the theme of isolation. Although in Araby the isolation was from the self’s inability to act in an emotional state, and in Heaney’s work the isolation was from breaking the tradition of digging, the speaker’s heritage passed from father to son, and ending in a grave, the isolation in The Stronger is one in which isolation is a choice. It is difficult at times to worry into the character’s psyche without knowing a background story of cause and effect but in The Stronger the feeling of choice in any given moment pervades the pages so strongly that the reader is left only with a feeling that the character’s purpose in wanting to be alone can only be given without a sense of despondency. It is with Frau X’s determination in becoming an identity outside of the personality of Mlle Y that best describes the climax of the play. There is action in this play as with the previous stories which suggest character development, whether or not it’s in a positive or negative way; it is progression in the character. Although love was an underscoring element in each story it is with the element of loneliness, and fear which allow each character to develop into themselves, and reveal their inner self to the reader that remains with the reader after the stories are told. In Joyce’s story the boy loves, but cannot act upon that love, being stultified by his emotional state, and driven into a type of fear of speaking, even to the woman who would have sold him a vase for his girl. In Heaney’s poem, the idea of escaping from a history of digging is troublesome, and yet he makes a choice to severe the bonds which could call him to the fate of his father, and father’s father. In The Stronger it is clear to the reader that choice is the main theme of the play; choice to become ones own person and not give into the demands of the other characters. Work Cited Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. 6th Edition. Maryland: Kirszner and Mandell Publishing Co. , Thomson Wordsworth, 2007.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

In this assignment I will discuss how fate and superstition contribute :: English Literature

In this assignment I will discuss how fate and superstition contribute to the final Tragedy. I will also consider other elements in the play, such as social class, education, poverty, and coincidence, which are highly significant to the story. In the play there are many references to the devil and the bogeyman, both figures representing evil and control. Most of the characters are strongly influenced by these; the "kids," who believe in the bogey man, and incorporate him into their games, "will he get me mummy?" and their mothers, who are influenced by the devil. The Narrator, who plays an integral part in the play, can be interpreted as the devil or bogeyman, following Mickey Eddie and Linda around and taunting their mothers, "Now you know the devils got your number" in this manner controlling the main characters and making the events (stated in the prologue) come to pass. The Narrator adapts the roles of many minor characters reinforcing the idea that the narrator is in control, because he is featured in all the significant turning points of the story, taking the parts of the milkman, gynaecologist, bus driver and the police man. The narrator is an ambiguous character, so he can also be portrayed as neutral, just telling and observing the story, or someone understanding and sympathetic, watching the events unfold. The prologue introduces the play, making the audience feel like the story is already written and Mickey and Eddie are destined to die. "An' did you never hear how the Johnstones died?" This is yet another reason to believe that fate is in control. However, there are powerful arguments to suggest that it is more coincidence and class that causes the deaths of the twins, for example, when Mrs Jhonstone has twins when she might have been able to cope with just one baby, and when Mr Lyons fires Mickey. As small children, Mickey and Eddies friendship isn't greatly affected by the difference in class, they are both envious of the other, showing that neither really has a better childhood, although one has more money, so has a higher chance of being successful in life. But inevitably, as they get older, Mickey is more directly affected by the poverty he lives with, and when Eddie moves on to university, a barrier develops between them, illustrating the contrasts between their lives and making their futures seem even more decided. Some characters are also affected by superstition, especially Mrs Jhonstone, who, although she denies, it is very superstitious "The shoes". This explains partly why she gives one of the twins away, because it is Mrs Lyon's manipulation that forces her, rather than fate or

Monday, January 13, 2020

Marketing 300 Notes Essay

In the Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas uses the philosophical method to theology and addresses the question of whether God’s existence can be demonstrated as well as the question of whether we can know God completely. For Aquinas, the question of proving the existence of God is always bound up with the question of how, and to what extent, we can know God at all. St. Thomas Aquinas believes that yes, God’s existence can be demonstrated but that no we cannot know God completely. St. Thomas believes that God’s existence can in fact be demonstrated and that it can be done so in two ways. â€Å"One is through the cause, and is called â€Å"a priori†, and this is to argue from what is prior absolutely. The other is through the effect, and is called a demonstration â€Å"a posteriori†; this is to argue from what is prior relatively only to us† (Aquinas 15). In other words, to demonstrate that God exists is done in a cause and effect manner. For the question as to whether or not we can know God completely, St. Thomas answers that no, we cannot know God completely. According to St. Thomas one can know the essence of God, but to completely know God would be impossible. The differences between these two questions are that the question as to whether or not God’s existence can be demonstrated addresses God’s existence whereas the question on whether or not we can know God completely does not question God’s existence, just the amount of knowledge one can have on God. St. Thomas Aquinas proposed five proofs in which humans can use natural reason to prove the existence of God through extrinsic evidence. Through the use of natural reason we can logically conclude in the existence of God. Yet strictly speaking, God’s existence cannot be definitively proven through laboratory tests and experimental science. Experimental science and intrinsic evidence cannot definitively prove historical events, and yet by reason we know they have occurred. And surely were science falters and extrinsic evidence fail, reason and intrinsic evidence can prove the spiritual which cannot be measured by material sciences. The first way begins observing the movement all over the world and ends up asserting the existence of God as Immovable Motor; the second way observes the existence of causes in the world and concludes the existence of an ultimate Cause. The Third Way emphasizes one of the most important features of all finite objects, the radical insufficiency of their being, their contingency: the beings of the world exist but they could equally not exist, they have specific features which they could equally not have. If they do exist but could not then we can think of a time in which they didn’t; and if they were the only beings of the world, then nothing would have existed. As this is obviously not the case, then we should conclude that along with those contingent beings there must exist a necessary being, a being which has its origin in itself instead of in another being, and that being is God. St. Thomas states, â€Å"Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other; and this everyone understands to be God† (Aquinas 16). In the next paragraph Aquinas says, â€Å"Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God† (Aquinas 17). Clearly, St. Thomas Aquinas is making his point that God is the source of everything. Since God is the cause we see the effects. The effects had to have come from a cause, which is God, and therefore God must exist. St. Thomas Aquinas starts off his discussion on whether or not one can know God by discussing the senses and their role in how humans know things. â€Å"Our natural knowledge begins from sense. Hence our natural knowledge can go as far as it can be led by sensible things† (Aquinas 86). St. Thomas states, â€Å"It is impossible for God to be seen by the sense of sight, or by any other sense, or faculty of the sensitive power† (Aquinas 74). What this passage is saying is that we cannot see God and because we cannot see God, it is impossible for us to know him. As humans we can know human beings because we can see them physically, however we cannot do this with God. Aquinas says, â€Å"when any created intellect sees the essence of God, the essence of God itself becomes the intelligible form on the intellect† (Aquinas 77) and this means that for what we can see with our human eyes that is what is going to portray to us what God is like. This means that we cannot fully know God and that we can only know of him or about him. God is an infinite being and we are finite beings which mean that we can only contain so much knowledge within us. Due to the fact that we are limited with our knowledge, it is impossible for humans to ever be able to fully encompass and know God because there is too much to know about Him. God is infinite, he has always been and humans cannot understand this because there is nothing else that we know of that has forever been and always will be. For these reasons, St. Aquinas believes that humans will never be able to fully know God like how they know one another. One can also compare these two questions not just by what they are based on (existence and knowledge) but also by looking at the differences between faith and knowledge. As stated previously when discussing whether or not we can know God completely, the basis of knowledge is derived from the senses. Knowledge has factual evidence from the world around you and has to do with reason and science. â€Å"We have a more perfect knowledge of God by grace than by natural reason†¦the knowledge which we have by natural reason contains two things: images derived from the sensible objects; and the natural intelligible light, enabling us to abstract from them intelligible conceptions. Now in both of these, human knowledge is assisted by the revelation of grace. For the intellect’s natural light is strengthened by the infusion of gratuitous light† (Aquinas__). On the other hand, Faith (or a belief) in something you take without question or evidence. An example of this is if someone is inside of a building and cannot see outside and someone comes in from being outside and tells the person that it is raining. Since the person inside has no way of knowing that it is raining outside since they cannot see or hear it, then they must believe the person telling them that it is raining. â€Å"Faith does not involve a search by natural reason to prove what is believed. But it does involve a form of inquiry unto things by which a person is led to belief, e. g. whether they are spoken by God and confirmed by miracles† (Aquinas__). Teachings by St. Augustine and Pseudo-Dionysius agree with the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas about knowing God. All of them agree that it impossible to be able to fully and completely know God. Alternatively, the three of them believe that one can only know about and of God; knowing only the different aspects of God. Dionysius describes God as â€Å"wholly unknowable† and has as â€Å"incomprehensible presence† (Pseudo Dionysius 119) which is him saying that God cannot be understood completely. Dionysius also says that God is made up of infinite characteristics, which Dionysius combines to call the â€Å"Godlike oneness† (Pseudo Dionysius 36). He says that one can better know God through knowing that he has characteristics such as â€Å"good†, â€Å"fair†, and â€Å"existent† (Pseudo Dionysius 39-40) but that he is so much more than just these. This relates to St. Thomas Aquinas’ thoughts that through our senses, we can come to know more about God because of what he created, but it is still impossible to completely know God. Similarly with St. Augustine, he states that God is â€Å"high above all, uncontainable and immeasurable† (Augustine 32) which means that God is beyond our reach. Due to the face that we cannot see God, then it is impossible for us to know him fully. St. Augustine also states that God is â€Å"incorruptible, inviolable, and unchangeable’ (Augustine 90). The meaning of this passage states that God is perfect. If he were to be changed, he would no longer be perfect. This is a concept that humans cannot comprehend because humans are not perfect and perfection is an abstract thought. They can have an idea as to what perfection is, but it is impossible to fully understand. In conclusion, knowing that God exists and knowing God are two completely different questions. St. Thomas Aquinas states that one can know that God exists and that it can be proven philosophically through the effects. On the other hand he also states that one cannot know God, only aspects of Him. These two questions correlate with the different of faith and knowledge. Faith is associated with the question of knowing God (cannot be proven) and knowledge is associated with the question of knowing that God exists (can be proven philosophically). St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine and Pseudo Dionysius all state that it is impossible to fully know God. They all agree on the fact that it is possible to know aspects of God and know partially who he is through using our senses, yet God is still seen to be infinite so it is impossible for our human minds to fully comprehend God.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Internal Analysis The Boston Group Matrix - 1560 Words

INTERNAL ANALYSIS (CH) The internal analysis focuses on the strengths and weaknesses inside a company or organization; it helps determine what the company is capable of. There are many tools that play a part of the internal analysis but the three main tools used in an internal analysis are the Boston Consulting Group Matrix, the Value Chain Analysis which includes primary activities and support activities inside the business. Another big part of the internal analysis is the Financial Ratio Analysis which is used to evaluate various aspects of a company’s operating and financial performance such as its efficiency, liquidity, profitability and solvency. The trend of these ratios over time is studied to check whether the company is†¦show more content†¦The total Revenues for Sam’s Club for 2012, 2013, and 2014 was $53.80, $56.42 and $57.16 again the company increased in revenue not by much but enough to keep them in business. Cash Cows are the next part of this Matrix which the earnings are high stable and the cash flow at these markets are high stable as well in Walmart’s case their Cash Cow is their International Market this because they are in over 27 countries throughout the world. The total revenue for the years 2012, 2013, and 2014 was $125.87, $137.20, and $136.51. Walmart did lose some money between 2013 and 2014 but they have since recovered and CEO stated that it wasn’t a major concern (Walmart Reports). The last part of this Matrix is the dog which are low and unstable for Walmart, there really wasn’t a dog because all of their markets are doing remarkably well and are still growing at very fast pace. HIGH LOW STARS Walmart Supercenters and Neighborhood Markets Revenue for 2014: $279.406 Billion QUESTION MARKS Sam’s Club Revenue for 2014: 57.157 CASH COWS International Market Revenue for 2014: $136.513 Billion DOGS Walmart Revenue from 2012 to